Page 38 - İzmir Çocuk
P. 38

Summer Journal
                         Summer Journal

                 Hey there! It's summer vacation time! You can have fun,
                 explore, and make memories. You can write a summer journal

                 to remember all these things. Writing a journal is a great way to

                 keep your memories. In your journal, you can write about your
                 experiences, activities you did, or the feelings. It's fun to read

                 it later and remember those special moments. Here’s a simple

                 plan for your summer journal:

                 Summer Journal Plan

                 Date: Write the date of the day.

                 Weather: Describe the weather for the day. Was it sunny,
                 rainy, or windy?

                 Place: Tell the place. Where did you go?

                 Activities and details: Write about your experience or the
                 activities you did. What did you do?

                 Feelings and highlights: Share your feelings and the best
                 parts of your day. How did you feel? What was the most

                 unforgettable moment? What did you remember most about

                 that day?

                 Goals: Write about your plans. Plan a few things you want to

                 do the next. What do you want to achieve? What do you want
                 to try for the next day?

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